Saturday 9 April 2016

Siân Caiach: Vote People First on May 5th!


  1. What's all this about standards? Didn't you plead guilty in court and are a convicted criminal?

  2. Weren't you struck off as a doctor?

  3. Didn't you get kicked out of a political party?

  4. Three strikes and all that.

  5. What's the point you neither publish or respond to comments?

    1. Thanks for your trio of concerns.
      Dear anonymous,
      I was never struck off as a doctor but after exposing a scam at Prince Philip Hospital I did get reported to the GMC. A few greedy consultants were using their NHS time, equipment, facilities and other resources to increase their private patient income. The management were aware of it but I was not willing to see my NHS patients lose out because beds and facilities were being used for free by these doctors. I got into awful trouble, I was seen as the problem, and every effort was made to destroy my career and get me to leave the area. They were successful in stopping me working ever again in the NHS in Wales. My GMC assessors did advise me to leave Wales due to the bad feeling against me. But I didn’t. My bitter former colleagues have even arranged for me to be banned from attending medical meetings in the Hywel Dda area so they don’t have to ever see me again! As I can’t afford to keep my registration at the moment I recently arranged to have my name voluntarily removed from the GMC register in good standing, as I’m not able to find any local medical employment. I am free to reapply any time if needed. I think I will probably stick with the politics now.
      Yes I pleaded guilty to 2 agricultural regulation breaches in 2012 when prosecuted by my Council. I had arranged for some sheep to be checked once a day according to DEFRA recommendations only to be told by their barrister that Carms CC required sheep to be checked twice daily in wet conditions. As a councillor I pleaded guilty although I was not aware of this. Turned out this was not actually a formal policy so more fool me! I also pleaded guilty to having animal remains on my field uncovered for more than the statutory 24 hours. Bones were discovered by a council officer who had my telephone details but chose to write to me about the matter and the letter arrived 6 days later. The bones were old and no stock had been missing and they were lying among rushes, but that is no defence, so I was guilty.
      Yes, I left Plaid Cymru 7 years ago after 33 years in the party. I wasn’t chucked out. They probably miss me, especially the large amount of money I gave them over the years but we just grew apart as I developed a different view of politics.
      I hope that answers your concerns.
      Sian Caiach

    2. See she is a jolly good egg!

  6. Sorry Anonymous, I've been very busy recently and obviously need to answer you personally and in detail

    Yes, I did plead guilty to 2 agricultural charges. I was charged with inadequate inspection of our sheep during 2days in 2012 when they had been checked only once a day. The CCC barrister told me that it was council policy to check sheep twice daily, as a Councillor I felt I was therefore guilty of breaking our policy and pleaded as such. Turned out the policy never existed in writing or on the website so I was pretty gullible. The second charge was that I didn't cover and dispose of bones on my field within 24 hours of their discovery. They were discovered by a council officer who decided not to tell me immediately but to write a letter to me which arrived 6 days afterwards. There were no stock missing and the bones were very old and its a bit of a mystery where they came from but I had no defense against the law that all animal remains must be disposed of within 24 hours. The bones were well hidden and I even had to ask the officer for directions to find them. Usually these cases aren't prosecuted but the council decided to go to court without improvement notices or warnings. I lost my life savings in the fines and the legal fees but luckily was not bankrupted so I can still stand for public office.

    After exposing the private practice scandal at Prince Philip Hospital over 1997-2000, I was suspended from work although the Audit commission found that my suspicions were correct.I was allowed to return to work for a while but after leaving to have a baby I was suspended and put under a lot of pressure to leave Llanelli. I was forced to work away in Cardiff and had to deal with hostility from some colleagues and management both in Llanelli and Cardiff as most doctors don't like snitches. I refused to give up my job, colleagues who I had "injured" by my disclosures gave me a really hard time and the GMC became involved, my GMC assessors advising me to leave Wales and restart my career elsewhere. Eventually my health failed, a long standing medical condition severely worsened, I became depressed and I just had to leave my job but wished , when I recovered, to continue working as a doctor. The GMC wanted me to retrain back to consultant level after my long suspensions but I was effectively blacklisted in Wales.They temporarily suspended me as I wasn't getting work and training as they had instructed me to do. The only medical experience I could then get was at medical student level with no pay which I did with a sympathetic consultant outside the NHS. Eventually I was reinstated on the GMC register and got a lot of support subsequently from the GMC but employment for me in Wales was hard to find, I often worked for nothing just to keep up my skills, mainly for the police as a forensic medical examiner, something I'd trained in many years ago. Last year I removed my name from the register as I couldn't justify paying the registration fees and insurance with no reasonable prospect of paid work. I left in good standing and can apply freely to be reinstated if I want.

    I left Plaid Cymru 7 years ago .I wasn't kicked out, I just didn't renew my membership, walked away and eventually helped form People First. I was a Plaid member for 33 years and gave generously to the party in both time and money and I'm sure they miss me.

    Now you may be either a greedy doctor who is still bitter about an ancient injury to their wallet or a political opponent who wants to bring up my past in a negative way, or you may just hate all politicians but I'm in favour of free speech so thank you for your comments.

  7. Why is this response so very different from the first which you have removed?

  8. I did post a reply but on checking found a grammatical error and instead of editing it,somehow deleted the lot. I also asked the author if they were an old medical colleague with a deep resentment of a wound to their wallet or a political opponent, as I recall, at the end. As I hadn't saved the original in document form, after writing basically the same story twice I had lost my curiosity at the end. Trolls aren't worth bothering with. SC

  9. I have been questioning Plaid concerning whether party politics would effect them, if they become AMs, questioning Plaid's double standards in Leadership. Would they put the public interest before party interest. No proper reply and @undebplaidcymru has blocked me on twitter. You have fully answered annonymous's contributions and I find, from that, you as well as @caebrwyn have suffered at the hands of our very vindictive County Council. Dissent is not to be tolerated if questioning the CCC or the questionable actions of the ruling parties members. Good luck with your endeavour to become an AM as I feel you would try to hold the CCC up to the light and call for accountability.


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